Kindle Oasis vs Paperwhite vs Basic eReader Comparison

well hello there this is Chris went expert and today we’re gonna be taking a good long hard look at the Amazon Kindle family so here on the left you’ve got basic Kindle which is available for 69 pounds here in the UK in the middle you’ve got the kid little purple white which cost 119 pounds bit of a jump up in price they’re almost double the cost and then here on the right we’ve got a fresh new Kindle Oasis 2019 just unveiled last week and that’s 229 pounds so definitely one if your mr. or mrs. moneybags now if you’re thinking of buying an e-reader chances are you’re going to get an Amazon Kindle there are alternatives available such as the likes of the COBOL form which is actually a really good strong rival to the Kindle away system not as premium device with full waterproofing and everything but of course the cables are one of the most popular and the Kindle Store offers great support in terms of thousands of thousands in fact of e-books but of course even if you do decide to get a Kindle the question is which Kindle is best for you so you just go for the basic 69 quid model or should you really splash out on something like the paperwhite of your waist as well as do a full comparisons you can see exactly what the difference is between them and which one might be best for you so it’s not naturally with desire now as you can see the basic Kindle and the Kindle paperwhite very very similar the pip-boy is ever so slightly taller despite the fact that they both have a 6 inch e-ink screen but the killer louis’s is definitely the big fat mama of the tree or as you can see there it’s actually got a bigger 7 inch screen but it does have quite skinny bezels above and below on to the right but to the left you’ve got this big fat chunky bezel that’s partly to house the physical

page turn buttons which you don’t get with the other two models and it’s actually also because of the ergonomic style design here on their waist asaji can see their one edge does juts out it’s heavily weighted towards that edge which just gives a nice comfortable grip and it doesn’t matter which way you have hold it either left-handed or right-handed it works a charm definitely for those extended reading sessions as long as you can see there the basic Kindle and the Kindle paperwhite support the same flat finished nor economic style fanciness there that said all three of these Amazon Kindles are very very comfortable to Klutch for a long lazy afternoon in terms of the weight you got hundred seventy four grams versus 182 versus 188 so as you can see even the the standard basic Kindle it’s not a big hefty chunky monkey or anything like that that said if you are going to be indulgent in the old cheeky reading session in the bath and you’ll want to be looking at the paperwhite all the Oasis both of these or IPX water-resistant them is if you drop them in the bathtub or god forbid a swim and pull something like that they’ll be fine they can be submerged in up to 2 meters of water for up to an hour whereas the standard basic cannot avoiding nor water splash resistance at all so you want to keep that mother as dry as possible probably worth pointing out the other that is fresh water we’re talking about here not sea water so don’t go swimming in the sea with your Kindle not a good idea and last up on the design front while the standard basic Kindle and the Kindle paperwhite or made of soft touch

plastic around the back you get a nice metal finish here on the Kindle Oasis so it is a bit more rugged and one of the advantages of grabbing an e-reader over simply reason unlike your tablet your phone something like that is it is an e-ink display that’s a nice low powered display uses very little power in order to run while still providing a really nice easy on the eye comfortable reading experience there are a couple little differences between these three Kindles so first up of course is a 6 inch display here on the basic and the paperwhite rose the wiz has bumped that up to 7 inches good news if you are like really large text or if you like to read a lot of graphic novels there is a difference in terms of resolution as well the paperwhite in the Oasis offer a nice crisp 300 pixels per inch whereas here on the basic model you just get 167 pixels per inch it’s a lower resolution you’ll notice that if you look really particularly closely at some of these cover art images here the text you’ll see it definitely is sharper on the other tube you don’t have to look quite close in order to notice that where you’ll really notice that difference in resolution is if you really like small text so for instance if you look really close here you’ll see the text appears nice and crispy on the paperwhite and the Oasis res on the basic model unfortunate does look a bit fuzzy it’s not very pleasant to read but of course the main reason for bumping up to that 300 pixel per inch resolution is if you’re going to be enjoying comic books graphic novels or any books with illustrations this is here if you want to be reading a full page of a graphic

novel without hambo zoom into all of the individual panels something that the Kindles can do you’ll notice that the text here is perfectly legible on the paperwhite and the Oasis or as you’re really struggling here on the basic Kindle it’s really hard to make out some of those words because they are as I say a little bit fuzzy if you’re not bothered about all that governs however the basic Kindle does have a very good screen it is now fully backlit in this 2019 incarnation which is great to see so matter if you’re trying to read in a pitch-black room on a really bright sunshiny day all three of these devices will do the job nicely and of course fully adjust the brightness here in the Kindle settings scene but all the way down to basically off if you like to help preserve battery power otherwise as I say if you’re trying to read in a really bright environment then you can bump it all the way up to the top and that will definitely do the job the Kindle Oasis does seem to go a little bit brighter than the other two which is definitely good to see and you’ll notice there as well that the Kent Lewis’s actually has an auto brightness setting which is something that’s missing from the other two Kindles so what I’ll do is it basically just takes a read of the environmental conditions and it can

automatically scale up right into something done so you don’t have to keep diving into the settings so friends are supposed to turn all of these lights off and just make the room nice and dark as you can see there it started trickling down just to match the environmental conditions it does sometimes take a little while to get going unfortunately so it’s not the swiftest of auto brightness it certainly isn’t as fast as a smartphone or something like that but as you can see it does work it does mean you don’t have to even think about changing the brightness it’ll just do it all on its lawn some lovely and well through these devices are backlit the you Asus does offer a stronger performance in terms of the uniformity of that backlight and you get four LEDs here on the basic Kindle you get five on the paperwhite and you get a whopping 25 here on the Oasis again that’s not one of those things that most people will even really notice to be perfectly honest the back line is good here on the more basic two models but you will notice that it’s becoming a little bit patchy especially if you’re reading in the dark whereas the Oasis it’s nice and flush nice and uniform throughout the display and you will notice that the Kindle Oasis has another display setting that is lacking from the other two Amazon devices as well and that is the color temperature scale so what you can do is you can boost the color warmth all the way up to the maximum there it’s really good for

those law light reads and experiences so if you read a lot in bed at night we’d recommend the Oasis purely for that setting it’s a nice comfortable easy on the eye experience and it’s a lot less disruptive to any bed partners things like that as well now this probably isn’t quite so easy to appreciate when you’re seeing it on video as opposed to if you actually seen it with your eyes in real life but I’ve knocked up all the lights and definitely the us’s is so much nicer to stare at in this state with the nice warm colors come back with rather harsh glare coming from the other two of course you can bump down the brightness to sort of come to that and sort of get it at a level where you’re comfortable with it but you can still actually read the text but yeah if you are doing a lot of nighttime reading the Oasis is the way to go and it’s also worth pointing out as well you can actually schedule the color temperature change as well so you can have it automatically turn warmer between sunset and sunrise or actually manually set up between two particular times and one last little difference before I forget it as well of course the kindle basic in the kindle paperwhite were designed to be read in this orientation nice and simple but the fact that you’ve got the physical controls here on the Oasis means you can hold it either in your left hand or your right hand and the screen will actually reorient it depending on which way you’re holding it as well which is a nice little feature lookups the actual

Kindle UI there’s not much difference at all between these three devices as you can see your whole desktop is busy the same you’ve got fast access to your library and then you’ve got various recommendations from the likes the Kindle Store depending on what you’ve read previously you also have fast access to Goodreads and the Amazon Kindle Store and all three of them so you can dive straight into that store and get some new books on the go it is worth pointing out though if you do want to jump online on your Kindle and download some new books you only get Wi-Fi support here on the more basic Kindle whereas the paperwhite in the US has come with an option of having some mobile data support as well as you can actually download all the 3G or 4G if you can’t get connected to a Wi-Fi network and that’s all absolutely free to use once you’ve paid for the Kindle it will cost you a little bit more for the model that supports that mobile data though there’s also a bit of a difference on the storage front as well here on the more basic model you only get four gigs of storage I see it only that’s still enough for hundreds if not thousands of e-books depend on what your downloads and as the other two models you get a choice of either it or 32 gigabytes of storage definitely good news if you’re downloading a lot of audiobooks there’s basically bugger-all difference between these three Kindles as far as the reading features are concerned as well once you actually dive into a book so for instance in quickly and easily change up the size of the text you could play around with the actual font and the jumbled way that the text is

displayed you can have the time display when you’re reading you can see exactly how much time you have left in your particular chapter or in the entire book if you want to wrestle Ong to the line the numbers on recently introduced themes to the Kindle range as well which just makes it quick and easy to change up your settings to a particular style that you’d like without having to mess around in the settings manually of course when you’re actually in a book you can just long press on a words on a on all three of these Kindles they’ll be highlighted and then you’ll get a dictionary definition and you’ll also have the option of being able to check it out on Wikipedia and of course you can bookmark highlight share stuff online all kinds of stuff as for the file support well it’s exactly the same again on all three of these Amazon Kindle devices you can of course download audible books on all three so you can listen to a good audiobook on the go a few your hands are not available for proper reason of course you don’t have a built-in speaker on any of these three Kindles you will need to connect a pair of headphones or a speaker via bluetooth now you’ve got full support for PDFs docx files gifts PNG z’ things like that that you can get the full list

on Amazon’s website but basically you can look at a good range of stuff on this not just stuff downloaded from the Kindle Store and now finally in this comparison let’s discuss battery life and of course the Kindles back in the day used to have insane battery life they would keep on going for a month or two in between charges but now of course got all that backlit screen action things like that means obviously the battery doesn’t last quite as long Amazon is very very bad at giving exact specs on its battery tech in its personal devices however the killer louis’s does seem to have a slightly bigger battery than the other two probably helped along by that larger chassis so it does seem to get an extra couple of days of use compared with the standard Kindle and the Kindle paperwhite just based on an hour or two of Reason day but basically all three of them you probably be charging them up every week these days and then fortunately all three of these Kindles do use micro USB to charge or rather than the fresh new type C which is a bit of a bummer and that right there is my full comparison

between the all new Amazon Kindle range for 2019 as you can see the basic Kindle has a lot gone for it if you just want a straightforward device for reads and ebooks or last you a good long while it’s got a backlit screen and everything which is fantastic it’ll definitely do the job however if you do want something that’s water-resistant with a nice crisp screen I would definitely recommend bumping up slap paper why it’s better you if you’re gonna be reading a lot of graphic novels things like that the Kindle Lewis is is difficult to recommend at that ridiculous 229 pound price point compared with the paperwhite considering the screen resolution is this you’ve still got that water resistance and everything here on the paperwhite the only real advantages that the USS offers is I do slightly prefer the design the ergonomic finish the fact you’ve got those physical page turn buttons is a big selling point for me as well I really enjoy that and then of course you’ve got the the fact they’ve got the auto brightness and the color temperature settings the color temperature in particular is really good for those low-light reading sessions so which one of you most tempted by and why defi let us know in the comments down below be gritty or thoughts hopefully that was helpful and if you do want more on the latest and greatest tech please do POG subscribe and thing that notifications valid geez everyone love you

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