Tag Archives: ics

Review of Beta CyanogenMod 9 ICS Rom on the Samsung Epic 4G

hello every person can be king 77 here from the AC organization team here to do an evaluation video clip of the most recent signage of my 9 beta rom on the samsung epic 4g so virtually everything is working there are just a pair pests i will certainly link in the summary of the video to discuss those insects …

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Review of the AOSP ICS mod Rom on the Samsung Epic 4G Touch

everyone can be king 77 here from the air conditioner distribute senior to do a review video of the epic touch AOSP ICS mod rom on your samsung legendary 4g touch this is a Gelato Sandwich FC 15 a leaked expense based ROM so it is based off the most recent FC 15 leakage first of all system concerning fawn …

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Sprint Galaxy Nexus 4G LTE Review: Part 1

everyone can be king 77 here from the AC syndicate team here with a much-awaited video from all of you guys been getting a lot of requests for this video but finally here to do a full review of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus from sprint definitely getting a lot of people saying when’s this going to come out while I …

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How to Install Leaked FH13 ICS Build on the Samsung Epic 4G Touch

everybody he ended up being 77 right here from the a/c organization team here to do a video revealing you how to install the current dripped improve your sprint samsung legendary 4g touch at age 13 this is a still Gelato Sandwich based it is primarily a dripped construct upgraded from FF 18 this develop was developed on August thirteenth …

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